Offering 5 Element and TCM Acupuncture. Treating a variety of conditions ranging from muscular aches and pains, women’s health issues to cancer support. Discovery calls available, find out if Acupuncture can help you. Studio. Prescription, Face and Body Treatments. Non Invasive and No Down Time
That amazing feeling when your hair feels "just right". Why Not? Has your hairdresser become a habit?
Twice awarded “Optometrist of the Year"
Specialist Therapeutic Optometrists, diagnosing and treating eye conditions and diseases, privately and through the NHS MECS, ACES and PEARS schemes.
Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma and Dry Eye management and treatment.
All types of contact lenses fitted, wide range of spectacle frames, In-house workshop manufacturing facilities
Sound Advice from a Local Independent Audiologist
Eyewear for the discerning
Nails - Eyelashes - Eyebrows - Lips - Manicure - Spa
A very special centre for hydrotherapy and physiotherapy
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